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SIOP Survivorship Network: a new international follow-up network

© Khamkéo – Unsplash
Survivors of childhood cancer often suffer from long-term effects of the disease and its treatment. A new international network now aims to improve follow-up care on a global scale. Prof. Katrin Scheinemann, President of SPOG, and paediatric oncologist Maria Otth, a young researcher at SPOG, have been appointed to positions on the network's steering committee.

Fortunately, cancer in children and young people can in many cases be treated successfully: today, a large number of children in Switzerland survive the disease – yet treatments can be intensive and prolonged. Many survivors will suffer from the long-term effects of the disease or treatments for the rest of their lives. Although chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are effective at treating the cancer itself, they can often also cause damage to healthy parts of the body, such as the heart, auditory system, brain, lungs and reproductive organs. These treatments also increase the risk of developing cancer again later in life.

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are effective at treating the cancer itself, but they can often also cause damage to healthy parts of the body.

Survivors of childhood cancer therefore require good follow-up care. This can help to identify any late complications such as heart, memory or hearing problems and treat them at an early stage.

Certain paediatric oncologists specialise in providing follow-up care to survivors. SPOG President and paediatric oncologist Katrin Scheinemann co-organised the third International Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ISLCCC) held at the University of Lucerne in June this year.

Paediatric oncologist and SPOG young investigator Maria Otth was also involved in organising the ISLCCC. In addition, she participates in various research projects relating to follow-up care, winning the SPOG Young Investigator Grant for this work back in 2021.

Katrin Scheinemann, President of SPOG, and Maria Otth, a young researcher at SPOG, have been appointed to the steering committee of the newly created SIOP Survivorship Network.

Both women have now been appointed to the steering committee of the newly created Survivorship Network launched by the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP). This network aims to raise awareness of the need for follow-up care, provide training for healthcare professionals, and conduct more in-depth research into follow-up care. To this end, it is establishing a global network of healthcare professionals to improve the follow-up care of survivors worldwide.

We would like to congratulate Prof. Katrin Scheinemann – who is already Chair of PanCare, the Pan-European Network for Care of Survivors after Childhood and Adolescent Cancer – and Dr Maria Otth on being appointed to this international committee!

The SIOP Survivorship Network aims to raise awareness of the need for follow-up care, provide training for healthcare professionals, and conduct more in-depth research into follow-up care.

Published 08.11.2024
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Brigitte Casanova
Brigitte Casanova

Brigitte Casanova supports SPOG communication projects; as a Germanist, she complements the science-oriented team at the Coordination Center.

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