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A legacy or a bequest enables you to support the patient-oriented clinical research into childhood cancer carried out for children and adolescents by SPOG after your death. With a legacy in favour of SPOG you can help to give a future to children and adolescents with cancer.


Your will counts




new Swiss inheritance legislation

Information and consultation

Support clinical research into childhood cancer by making a bequest in your will and give a future to children and adolescents with cancer.

Legacies & bequests

You can leave part of your estate to our clinical research into childhood cancer by making a bequest in your will. Calculate your freely disposable portion and make a will free of charge. Our guide to making a will contains more information about this.

Calculate online now

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to advise you. 

Flora von Holzen
Flora von Holzen
+41 31 508 42 46

Request the SPOG guide to making a will now

Would you like to receive more detailed information about legacies and bequests by post? Request our no-obligation, detailed guide to making a will (available only in German or French).

Frequently asked questions

Would you like to support us? Here are some answers to questions about how you can use your estate to help us.

Open communication is the key. Tell your family as soon as possible that you would like to support SPOG and find out what their expectations and needs are.

Yes, if you donate to SPOG you can specify the purpose. Get in touch with us at an early stage so that together we can find a solution that is practicable in the longer term.

No, as a non-profit organisation SPOG is exempt from inheritance tax. Your donations and gifts go straight to our studies.

Statutory heirs limit your ability to dispose of your assets. Calculate your freely disposable portion anonymously on

Without a will, your estate will be distributed according to the law. If there are no heirs, your estate will revert to the state in full.

A donation that makes an impact